Counter-Dataveilance |Center for Media at Risk 2021
We are being surveilled. Data that citizen-users generate are collected for the purposes of profit-making and/or systematic investigation of dissent and political control. However, the same techniques of dataveillance can be utilized toward central authorities, and their private partners, in order to inform the public and force institutional transparency and accountability. Center for Media at Risk postdoctoral fellow Zeyno Ustun moderated a roundtable discussion on tactics, tools, and methods of counter-dataveillance with Elif Ince, Jin Zhu and Burak Arikan.
Center for Media at Risk Roundtable: Counter-Dataveillance
Reimagining the Digital Future | IAMCR 2020
Cartographies of Digital Dissidence: Networked Movements, Internet Laws and Internet Ungovernance Forums in Turkey and Brazil. Paper presented at the Communication and Policy & Technology Section of IAMCR. Conference conducted online.
Making Your Public Scholarship Career Scholarship | University of Washington 2017
New Scholarly Practices, Broader Career Paths in Near & Middle Eastern Studies Roundtable examined the value of public scholarship that speaks to broad publics beyond academia.
Creative and Critical Use of Complex Networks | Radical Networks 2017
Workshop addressed how to map complex networks and how to read those networks with methods such as graph analysis. It included practice-based work of sketching diagrams, drawing graphs, and more.
How to Get Organized: A Teach-In | The New School 2017
Teach-in shared experiences from different kinds of political organizing. Each panel featured participants who described a situation in which they had been active and/or had firsthand knowledge, focusing on particular tactics and methods employed in that situation and lessons learned about success and failure.
New Media-New Freedom? | Rias Berlin Commission 2013
Panelist in conference on the role of social media in the democratic development of the state. Featured panelists from Germany, Syria, Iran, Turkey and the US.
Talk Turkey – Rethinking Life Since Gezi |The New School 2013
A Short History of Feminism in Turkey and Feminist Resistance in Gezi. Paper presented at Talk Turkey.